How Can I Treat Vaginitis at Home?
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Some people also experience itching, burning, or an unusual gray discharge. Boric acid is another compound that can get rid of harmful bacteria. A boric capsule can be used as a suppository for treating recurring bacterial vaginosis. However, this remedy is not recommended during pregnancy. Also, do keep in mind that it can be toxic if taken internally and shouldn’t be used on open wounds either.
Make sure when you use the restroom, you wipe from front to back , never back to front. This will help prevent the spread of bacteria into your vagina. StyleCraze believes in credibility and giving our readers access to authentic and evidence-based content.
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Tea tree oil treatments may cause allergic reactions in some people and are not safe for use during pregnancy. People considering purchasing tea tree oil treatments should always consult a doctor first. Goldenseal is a herb that has been used traditionally to treat bacterial vaginosis. The rhizome and dried root of this herb are typically used for this. Its effectiveness in fighting bacterial vaginosis has been attributed to the alkaloid berberine, which has beneficial antibacterial properties.

Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. Secnidazole is significantly more expensive than other treatments. However, it may be a good option if you prefer a single-dose treatment.
Try Yogurt
Blending it with milk and cinnamon can provide the body a boost of immunity, helping it to prevent BV in the first place or aiding a patient in recovering from the infection. If experiencing more severe symptoms such as pain during urination, pain in general, or bloody discharge. Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Origanum vulgare. There are other reasons to make sure that you have enough vitamin D that you can read in my article about the 12 common diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency. But if you want to treat your BV quickly, then you need to visit your doctor as early as possible and get a prescription to treat your infection. This type of BV is not accompanied by itching or swelling.

The study found that pot marigold provided similar benefits to the prescription medication for women with symptomatic bacterial vaginosis. Women in both groups were free of symptoms after just one week of treatment. A key benefit of herbal medicines such as this is that there are no side effects or risks of health complications. As we all know that any kind of change in your immune health can have an effect on your vaginal pH level.
Natural Home Remedies for Bv Infection and Discharge
The first-line treatment for BV is often a prescribed antibiotic. However, you may know that our overuse of antibiotics has led to microbial organisms that are more resistant to these kinds of treatments (Llor & Bjerrum, 2014). For professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Bacterial vaginosis may increase the chances of miscarriage among pregnant women .

The same study indicated that data on the effectiveness of alternative treatments for BV are predominantly of poor quality. Most of the women reported their self-help remedies did not help, and, in some cases made the symptoms worse. About 29 percent of women in the United States have bacterial vaginosis . Although some women experience no symptoms, others may notice an unpleasant smell coming from their vagina. Home remedies with natural antibacterial properties such as those we’ve referred to above should help. If they don’t, you may want to explore support from a medical professional.
Good Vaginal Hygiene
Also yogurt can help you maintain a balance level of pH as well as reduce discomforts . Hydrogen peroxide divides into water and oxygen, making it become one of the safest home remedies for BV infection and discharge. By oxidizing bad bacteria, hydrogen peroxide may eliminate the infection and inflammation. Is an osteopathic physician whose research interests include gastroenterology, immunology, and dermatology. He is particularly interested in the role of probiotics in the gut-brain-skin axis and has written many articles on the topic.

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A prescription treatment will likely clear up your symptoms in 2 to 3 days. If you’re pregnant or undergoing any medical procedures, it’s especially important to have your BV taken care of sooner rather than later. Avoid douching — this can disrupt the natural balance of vaginal bacteria and increase the chance of infection.
The pregnant woman needs to consult doctor carefully before taking any medications. Keep out of toilet paper with perfume or other feminine products for hygiene. Perform for 1 to 2 times per day until the symptoms are subsided. Some honey into some warm water and consume twice per day. Other causes can vary for each type of bacterial vaginosis. Basically, the vagina is loaded with some natural bacteria and other microorganisms that playing such a crucial role in its functioning.
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